A pheromone is a chemical an animal produces which changes the behavior of another animal of the same species (animals include insects). Some describe pheromones as behavior-altering agents. Many people do not know that pheromones trigger other behaviors in the animal of the same species, apart from sexual behavior… click here for more
Smart women know it’s wise to beware when out at a bar or club – there could be more than just alcohol in that cocktail. Psychoactive substances classified as “date rape” drugs can be dropped into an unsuspecting victim’s drink, rendering her barely conscious and susceptible to sexual assault… click here for more
The words sex and gender are commonly used interchangeably, but many linguists would argue that their usage is quite distinct. Sex refers to the biological and physiological characteristics, while gender refers to behaviors, roles, expectations, and activities in society… click here for more
Date rape drugs can be added to a person’s drink, making them vulnerable to sexual exploitation. A new sensor that could look like a tiny stirrer or straw can be placed in the drink and accurately tell whether it has been spiked…. click here for more
An orgasm is the peak of sexual pleasure. It typically consists of a series of involuntary muscle contractions in the sexual organs, lower pelvic muscles, and the anus. An orgasm is accompanied by the release of endorphins – opioid-like chemicals produced in the brain that give a feeling of euphoria… click here for more
Tens of thousands of men have answered questions about children, money, sex, marriage and many other issues that a popular men’s website is about to publish in a piece called “The Great Men’s Survey.” This report will be fully released in August, but some insighful information for all has been released this week… click here for read more
Original Question:
hi, my girlfriend is an anal virgin, so we figured out to try it…so far we did like 5 times…but the last time we did it…while I was doing it, I noticed some poop on my penis, I took off my penis and cleaned it and washed it with a soap, and I asked her take a poop, and she washed herself and she cleaned her butt well and we continued afterwards…so my question is it dangerous to get feces or poop on the penis? Please HELP
Its fine to have a little poop on the penis when you drill that end. You just need to clean it and resume back the anal way. Anyway what do you expect when you hit the shit. Just hope she will not give you a jackpot! If it happens just clean yourself up! Not dangerous!
Since intercourse can be vaginal or rectal, many people assume the same rules apply for the penetration of the vagina and rectum. Although both are lined with soft tissue and are capable of expanding, they are radically dissimilar.
The rectum is not straight. After the short anal canal which connects the anal opening to the rectum, the rectum tilts toward the front of the body. A few inches in, it curves back – sometimes as much as 90 degrees. Then, after a few more inches, it swoops toward the front of the body once again. I am sure you have already figured out your girlfriend tail tract by now.
The rectum does not produce lubrication like the vagina but only a small amount of mucus. Therefore, rectal penetration always requires a lubricant. Chemical additives should be avoided. Water-based lubricants are latex-compatible.
The main function of the rectum is to act as a passageway for feces. But feces are not normally stored in the rectum except just prior to a bowel movement. Yet small amounts may remain in the rectum, especially if the feces are not well formed. Anal douching before lovemaking will help some people especially concerned with cleanliness to relax.
People with sexual performance anxiety are more likely to cheat on their partners. That’s just one of the curious findings of a new study by a University of Guelph professor on the factors that predict infidelity… click here for more
Original Question :
Hello doctor.
Just wanted to know, will the menstrual cycle date change after the wedding date, my wife used to get her menstrual cycle every 28th day. But after the wedding it’s been more than 34 days now and she is not pregnant. I have got the pregnancy test done. Please let me know what could be the problem. Answer:
You can give yourself full marks for being a caring husband. You mentioned that your wife’s menstrual cycle has been a perfect 28 days and since the wedding day, she missed almost 6 days and yet she is not pregnant. You are right. When a woman misses her period she maybe pregnant. Unfortunately that is not the rule, especially if there are situations that can cause the menstrual cycle to go haywire. In your wife’s case, if her delayed period is not a sign of a pregnancy, then this might be due to a hormonal upheaval, due to stress! Yes, the mind is most powerful and if it is disturbed then it can cause a disturbed menstrual cycle. Sooner or later she will get over her stress and her menstrual cycle will follow the usual rhythm of 28 days. However if it continues I would recommend visiting your local gynae for a checkup.
An international research team has discovered a strain of gonorrhea resistant to all currently available antibiotics. This new strain is likely to transform a common and once easily treatable infection into a global threat to public health… click here for more