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Exercise Can Lead To Female Orgasm, Sexual Pleasure, According To Unique Study

Findings from a first-of-its-kind study by Indiana University researchers confirm anecdotal evidence that exercise — absent sex or fantasies — can lead to female orgasm.While the findings are new, reports of this phenomenon, sometimes called “coregasm” because of its association with exercises for core abdominal muscles, have circulated in the media for years, said Debby Herbenick, co-director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion in IU’s School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation… click here for more

Brazilian Waxes Increase Risk Of Viral Infection

Brazilian waxes and other forms of pubic hair removal may increase the risk of viral skin infections, particularly Molluscum contagiosum.The finding came from new research published in the journal Sexually Transmitted Infections which suggested that shaving the pubic area causes ‘micro-trauma’ of the skin, which raises the chance of infection by a pox virus known as Molluscum contagiosum. Click here for more…

How long exactly should the period of abstinence last?

I’ve just delivered my first child a few weeks ago. I was told by my friends and colleagues that I can resume sexual activity after 40 days (or after the blood has dried up). However, my elderly relatives advised me that 60-100 days would be the best as the body needs plenty of time to heal. My husband and I were pretty active sexually before this and I don’t think we want to wait that long. How long exactly should the period of abstinence last?
Confined, Petaling Jaya
So far not many women complain of the prolonged period of abstinence after childbirth, the so called ‘pantang’ period (also known as the puerperal period) except the husband who might have to gear up after the long absence of good sex.6 weeks are more than enough and that’s exactly what most Obstetricians would recommend and that too the women need to go for a postnatal check up before the green light is given. For most women who breastfed the lochia (the discharge from the uterus of blood, mucus and tissue during the puerperal period) dry up within 3 weeks and for those women who cannot breastfeed for some reasons or other the lochia will dry in 5-6 weeks. The post partum check up is still important before the woman can resume sex.

I always feel itchy on my scrotum, especially at night, it has been half a year, scrotum’s skin is fine, however I could see my scrotum has more wrinkles and darker in color. What can I do?

My name is Boon. I always feel itchy on my scrotum, especially at night, it has been half a year, scrotum’s skin is fine, however I could see my scrotum has more wrinkles and darker in color. What can I do?

The scrotal skin is made up of fine non –keratinized skin (skin that is not hardened) without fatty layer but a layer of smooth muscle known as the Dartos layer that gives the wrinkle to the skin when the muscle contract. The scrotal skin is so fine that you can actually see the fines blood vessels underneath. It also has a pigmented layer that gives the darker shade to the skin when compared to the other parts of the body. If the skin is dry it becomes itchy and when you start to scratch, it gets irritated and the skin becomes hardened (appeared wrinkled) and darker. If the irritation subsides then the scrotal skin will return to its normal condition. Dryness cans cause irritation and it is advisable to keep the scrotal skin moist by applying moisturizer after bath. If the itchiness area of the skin is moist you probably have eczema and you probably will have to see your family doctor for treatment. Another condition that can cause scrotal itchiness is ‘jock itch’ which is caused by fungus or bacteria. This also needs consultation with the doctor.