Monthly Archives: June 2012

Recently my husband finds it difficult to get an erection. Could this be the problem or do we need to get really worried?

I have been married for 3 years. In the first year my husband and I had sex very often but recently my husband finds it difficult to get an erection. We’ve talked about it and he confessed that his penis feels weak. He says that his work has been giving him more stress than usual and he feels a little run down. Could this be the problem or do we need to get really worried? My husband is 30.

When the penis is not sufficiently firm for vaginal penetration then the person is said to have erectile dysfunction or ED. If this happens on and off and persists for 6 months then the ED is a mild one. If this happens very often and persists for 6 months then the ED is of moderate form and if there is no erection and this persists for 6 months then this is known as total ED.
If a man can achieved morning erection more often than none then he has normal penile function. Lack of sleep and stress can interferes with normal penile function. ED has been associated with smoking, drinking, weight problems, lack of physical exercises and stress. Studies have shown that men with chronic ED might have health problems and it would be wise to see a doctor to get a good physical. ED can be treated with oral medications like PDE-5 Inhibitors like sildenafil citrate (Viagra), Tadafil (Cialis), Vardenafil (Levitra) or Udenafil(Zydena). Traditional therapy is not a good option since the focus is on the penis. Medical treatment focuses on the total man and not only his penis!

My friend told me that having sex when you’re drunk or high is thrilling and intensely pleasurable. Is this true?

My friend told me that having sex when you’re drunk or high is thrilling and intensely pleasurable. Is this true?

Imagine eating something that is suppose to be good is not realized when the taste buds are numb. You end up not knowing what you have eaten and this will not register in your memory bank. The same thing goes for sex when one does it while drunk. You do not know what you did and with whom you finally did it because all memory of the event is not registered and when your sobered down you suddenly realized that you have made a fool of yourself. Sexual relationship is a shared experience with someone very special. Wouldn’t you want to cherish this and keep it alive in your memory bank?

What Are Sexually Transmitted Infections? What Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases?

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), also known as Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) or Venereal Diseases (VD) are diseases that are passed on from one person to another through sexual contact, and sometimes by genital contact – the infection can be passed on via vaginal intercourse, oral sex, and anal sex. Some sexually transmitted infections can spread through the use of unsterilized IV drug needles, from mother to baby during childbirth or breastfeeding, and blood transfusions…… click here for more

Recently I noticed an unpleasant fishy smell coming from my vaginal discharge during intercourse. What is it and how do I get rid of it?

I’m 22 and I’ve just been sexually active about two months ago. Recently I noticed an unpleasant fishy smell coming from my vaginal discharge during intercourse. My husband notices it too and I’m beginning to feel embarrassed and uncomfortable about it. What is it and how do I get rid of it?

It is alright to be sexually active and better still to have a good and a healthy sexual relationship. Having vaginal discharge which can interfere with lovemaking is very daunting and especially if the discharge foul smells. Natural discharge is not foul smell and anything else may well be the result of some infection. Bacterial infection where the source of infection comes from the anal passage may be the culprit. However the discharge is somewhat grayish and has a mousy odor. Infection by a parasitic single celled organism known as Tricomonas gives a greenish yellow discharge and a fishy odor. It would be wise to see a doctor, who may need to have a look to confirm the infection and if the vaginal wall has fine raspberry spots that may indicate trichomonas infection and an appropriate antibiotic will be provided.

I sometimes experience extreme pain near the anal area after intercourse. What’s wrong with me?

I sometimes experience extreme pain near the anal area after intercourse. It feels like something is contracting there. For your information, I have never engaged in anal sex. The pain gets so bad until I have to hold my breath and remain still until it goes away. The strange thing is that I don’t feel any of this kind of pain during sex. What’s wrong with me?

During sexual intercourse there is a lot of muscle contraction to facilitate genital control. The vagina is kept contracted by the woman throughout penile movement and in doing so the anal sphincter is automatically kept on contracted mode. Through sexual intercourse all these events are taking place and in some women the muscle can go into spasm right after cessation of intercourse and occasionally the spasm follows after climax. Keeping still is probably the best solution. However if this persists lovemaking can be very challenging to the woman. Doing regular pelvic floor exercise namely the Kegel exercise (similar to holding back urine or flatus) might be helpful in the long run. Try to do about 50-100 times a day.